<h1>North America's #1 Supplier of Irish Blue Limestone. info@irishlimestonecompany.com<h1>

A premium natural stone...

Precision craftsmanship demands the highest quality materials, and Mother Nature has provided us with the most pristine of building
blocks in Irish Blue Limestone. This premium natural blue stone is prized worldwide by exacting master-craftsmen, sensitive designers and discerning clients. Its characteristic beauty, versatility and durability effortlessly lends the stone to many and varied uses, both exterior and interior.

A versatile building material...

From residential to commercial, high rise to memorial parks. Here are just a few of projects that have utilized Irish Blue Limestone in
their construction. You can find full descriptions for each project here.

private residence irish hunger memorial picture of More London building London
Private Residence, Toronto Hunger Memorial, New York MoreLondon, London, UK

For more information about Irish Blue Limestone or for a free, no-obligation quote, please, contact us here.




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